Search America - Board & Club Consulting

Search America has been the trusted club advisor to the directors of over 2,500 private clubs worldwide. An in-depth, on-site need-assessment performed by a principal of the firm determines the focus of our consultative approach and recommendations.
Our responsibility to the client partner is to achieve a mutual understanding of that private club’s needs and wants. Our experience in consulting and executive management search, dedicated solely to the private club industry, assists us in quickly creating a uniquely tailored credible blueprint essential for consensus-building among the board and membership regarding a vision for their club. From that consensus, a mission and direction are established for our client club partner.
Traditionally, when club directors express a desire to make a management change, their objective is to raise their club to the next level. That wish certainly means something different for every club and perhaps even for different directors within the same club. Our on-site process helps in both defining the club's vision and in implementing effective strategies for its realization. A potential management change, for example, may not require the replacement of management but rather a redirection for current practices to achieve the club directors’ goals. In any event, the club's manager, whether recruited through the Search America search process or strengthened through our consultative advice and support, becomes the instrument by which the club directors' objectives are achieved.
Best practices: What are the most successful clubs doing?
Board and management communications with membership: How does this club’s board effectively achieve membership buy-in?
Board of Directors orientation: How can the directors’ responsibilities best be defined and accomplished?
Board/management communications: Are the parties speaking the same language?
Branding: How can this club best define, achieve, and maintain its market position?
Bylaws revision: Are the club bylaws current?
Capital reserve analysis: Has this club adequately planned for and set aside sufficient reserves for replacement of depreciating assets?
Club renovation: What do the members want, need and expect? What strategies exist for funding?
Club rules enforcement: Who is responsible for promulgation and enforcement of rules?
Clubhouse Manager vs. General Manager Structure: Which is the more appropriate system of governance for each club?
Compensation surveys: To minimize turnover, how are other similar clubs compensating their key personnel?
Compliance with regulations: How can this club best define and comply with codes and various legal requirements?
Cost control: What systems and procedures are most efficient for controlling costs while ensuring quality?
Employee retention: How does this club reduce turnover and retain key personnel?
Equity conversion (memberships’ acquisition of the club from the developer): How do the members and prior owner successfully structure and conduct the transition?
Executive, management and leadership development: How does this club’s leadership most effectively oversee and manage its club?
Financial reporting: What information does this board require to comply with its fiduciary responsibilities? What system of reporting is best for each club?
Food and beverage: How does this club’s leadership most effectively meet member expectations and fiscal responsibilities?
Food service/hospitality service training: What can be done to deliver consistent, attentive, skilled and personable service?
Golf course: How can this club maintain the best condition of play? Who is responsible for what aspects of golf course maintenance?
Governance: Does the current system and structure work? How involved does this board want to be in day-to-day management of our club?
Human asset consulting: Who is in charge? What personalities and skills are required to achieve member expectations?
Job descriptions: Directors, committees, management, department head, and staff: What is expected of each? By what criteria will this club evaluate performance?
Long range planning: What does this club want to become?
Management recruiting: How can this club attract and employ the best talent?
Management retention: Once this club hires the right management, how does it keep them?
Management/staff communications: How are directives and mutual expectations transmitted?
Member focus groups: What do the club’s members really want and expect? What are they willing to pay for?
Membership marketing: How does a club attract sufficient members to remain viable?
Membership retention: What can be done to reduce this club’s membership attrition?
Menu planning & menu engineering: How does this club balance tastes, costs and kitchen capability in competing for the discretionary dining-out dollar?
Mission statement preparation and analysis: What is this club to its members?
Operational consulting: How can each department of this club be improved?
For questions regarding our services, please click the Request for Information About Becoming a Search America Client Club link. A Search America principal will contact you shortly.